Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How to create your online personal branding

The time to have a complete and well formatted resume has stayed behind to give way to display more things in our professional profile through the Web and social networks. Here is what captures the attention of those who wish to hire us.

A personal brand is the art of empowering us ourselves as professionals, as if we were a mark of a service or a product for sale.

If we want to highlight and choose to do a job, we have to carry out a great promotion for our 
 and communicate that we are the best choice. To do this, the Internet is an ideal tool because it acts as an amplifier, and everything we put in our website will be seen in any other country, where they can see what we do and how we do it and hire us. For this reason, any marketing plan on a career should have a web support.

When staff promote our brand through the web support, I recommend to consider four main elements that potential customers are going to look for when opting for our option or another. To understand better, let these four pillars of empowerment based on an example, as may be that of a personal trainer.

Demonstrates knowledge


 People hire people that show have a high level of knowledge about the subject that interests them. In the case of our example, the personal trainer can show the level of knowledge by publishing articles in Web, either on a section within the same or in a blog. This is so important the quality and quantity of content, ie besides being interesting articles on the subject, should be published about 2 or 3 per week to give a good image . A blog where the last article has more than 1 month gives a very bad image.

 Experience demonstrating


 We capture in our website we have experience in the industry and we've worked for other people or companies. To do this, the best is to put a list of customers with whom we have worked, adding if possible, evidence of them, expressing how pleased we were with our work. In the case of our example, a list of gyms and sporting events where we worked could be a good start



The influence


Is to show that what we do has an impact for people. In the case of a blog, for example, this influence can show through the comments. In this way, we show that what we write is interesting to others and there is feedback. Another way to demonstrate influence is display the number of followers or the size of your community. For this it is good to have a profile on Facebook or Twitter , complementing the work of personal branding blog and thereby increase the possibilities of interaction with potential customers and that they in turn, are more up to date about your job. Potential clients associate have many followers to be an influential professional.

Professional image



A good way is to use photos that show moments of the performance of the activity being offered, people with whom we work, our facilities. In the case of the personal trainer, will photos when you are taking a class, the gym where you work, etc.. If the photos are of great quality, this is in my opinion very appreciable investment, since we can use on our website, or on other occasions as interviews we can do.



Towards an effective personal brand checklist

Given these four elements, we will have a great opportunity to show users that we are the best choice for the desired job. These pillars applied to our professional website and our social networks will be the best online resume to show, which will be the means where we are looking for our potential customers. Personal Branding will help to increase business brand, profit etc.

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